Choose the right product for you
Standard Job listing £1,245
Advertise your job on the OFFICIAL job board of the RTPI - Members 27,000+ engaging with one of the largest RTPI audiences
- Jobs stay live on the site for 4 weeks
- Your logo present on the site
- Tagged with Specific sectors in order to maximise targeting of relevant candidates
- Job alerts sent to our email subscribers
Planning jobs are promoted to over 80,000 visitors per month across multiple online platforms, including Planning Portal, The Planner e-news/ solus emails to the Professional Planning user database (from RTPI).
All jobs posted on The Planner Jobs are posted on The Planning Portal website, viewed by 132,000 people each month.
£1,245 + VAT for a job posting
Premium Job package £1,950
- Includes standard job listing
- Jobs live on the site for 4 weeks
- Premium jobs appear highlighted in the job search results.
- Prioritised on both the website and in our jobs by email alerts
- Includes your job on The Planner e-newsletter to over 34,000+ subscribers three times a week
£1,950 + VAT
Our other bespoke packages
Targeted Job listing £1,630 + VAT
- Includes standard job listing and targeted email
- Reaching candidates by location, salary level and job level, a unique visual targeted email reaching jobseekers on the site who have requested jobs that match client needs
Branded Job Listing £2,085+VAT
- Includes standard job listing
- Featured recruiter button on the homepage – leading to your jobs online
- Top banner (advertisement on the site) on the homepage leading to your jobs online giving you maximum visibility and branding of your company
- Additional jobs at £500 per role
More bespoke packages are available, including multiple job postings and social media.
To book any of these options contact:
T: +44 (0)207 880 6232